Industrial Unified Namespace (UNS) - Powering Your Logistics Data.

Complex data handling? Break through the complexity with i-flow’s Industrial Unified Namespace (UNS) and orchestrate data across your systems – revolutionary simple! Reserve your spot in our free trial program today and experience the difference firsthand.

The solution to the data problem in the industry.

Data Silos

Are data silos holding back your ambitions? Unlock the full potential of your logistics operations with over 200 i-flow connectors.


Why waste resources on complex data integration? Focus on the essentials with i-flow’s innovative low-code technology.


No more individual integration projects! With i-flow, you receive access to all your data via a single, event-based interface.

"The i-flow software has fundamentally changed our technical capabilities, allowing us to harness the full potential of the data generated by our systems."

Andreas Busch (System Architect Digital Solutions, Ruhlamat)

Industrial Unified Namespace (UNS)

Unify the heterogeneity of your industrial data landscape in one central location – one interface, unlimited possibilities.

i-flow solves your data availability and quality challenges.

Interoperability thanks to unified data in a central MQTT broker - independent of the source protocol.
Efficient real-time communication between OT and IT systems using MQTT publish / subscribe.
Flexible and scalable, thanks to innovative OT / IT system integration based on an MQTT broker.
Customer Use-Cases

Industrial Unified Namespace (UNS) in Logistics

Empowering Logistics Excellence: A Unified Approach to Inventory, Orders, and Transport.

Realtime Inventory Management

Imagine a world where every piece of your inventory, across all warehouses, distribution centers, and retail locations, is perfectly synchronized in real-time. Our Unified Namespace technology makes this a reality, transforming the way you manage stock. Say goodbye to stock shortages and excess inventory. Welcome to the future of inventory management, where optimal stock levels and replenishment planning are not just goals—they’re your new standard.

Realtime Order Tracking and Management

Step into an era where every order is at your fingertips, in real time, regardless of where it came from or where it’s going. Our Unified Namespace integrates data from various systems, providing unparalleled visibility into order statuses. This isn’t just about meeting customer expectations; it’s about exceeding them with precise delivery forecasts and the agility to proactively address any delays or issues. Elevate your customer satisfaction and loyalty to heights you never thought possible.

Optimize Your Transport Management

Envision a logistics operation where efficiency and cost savings go hand in hand. Our Unified Namespace brings together transport data from myriad sources to redefine route optimization, shipment tracking, and the overall efficiency of your supply chain. This means not just lower transportation costs, but a leap forward in customer service quality. Embrace the change that leads to more reliable deliveries and a significantly enhanced bottom line.

Would you like to find out more? We will be happy to answer your questions in a follow-up meeting.

I'm looking forward to talking to you!

Daniel Goldeband, Managing Director i-flow GmbH