
Get information on our most frequently used connectors as well as useful tips and white papers on the topics of Industrial Unified Namespace (UNS), data architecture and data infrastructure in factories.

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Why Unified Namespace (UNS) projects fail

The Industrial Unified Namespace (UNS) is establishing itself as the leading data architecture in the manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, there are major challenges when introducing this architecture concept. Technical hurdles can

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NATS vs Kafka.
Comparison for the UNS.

In the rapidly developing industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) landscape, selecting the right message protocol ensures seamless data exchange. Two prominent protocols, NATS and Kafka, offer unique features tailored to

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Azure IoT Hub in the Factory

The Azure IoT Hub is a cloud-based service from Microsoft that has been specially developed for the Internet of Things (IoT). It provides a central platform for managing IoT devices

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Kafka in Industrial IoT (vs. MQTT)

Apache Kafka is a powerful event streaming platform that is used in particular in highly scalable architectures. The main architecture of Kafka was designed with throughput, scalability and durability of

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